If your contribution has been accepted for poster presentation with optional short oral presentation, please let us know whether you intend to use the option of short oral presentation or not, if you haven’t done so yet.
Please prepare a poster according to the poster layout instructions below, and a short oral presentation as follows (if you haven’t refused it).

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Instructions for poster preparation
Size: A0 (841 × 1189 mm) in portrait orientation
- Header: contribution title, name and affiliation of author(s). For easier identification during the conference, please include also a portrait photo of the presenter – place it at the top right corner of the poster (recommended size is 7 to 10 cm in height).
- Body: objectives, methodology, results and conclusions; with an emphasis on the latter two.
Appearance: Focus on illustrations (figures, graphs and photos), text should mainly be used to support these illustrations. Wherever possible prefer graphs over tables for better readability. Text height minimum 6 mm (the poster has to be legible from a distance of 2 to 3 meters). Furthermore, the presentation should follow the usual reading order: from left to right and from top to bottom.
Poster delivery and installation: Please do not send your poster in advance unless your travel arrangements make it necessary; take it along on the first day of the conference and hand in at the reception, the staff will ensure its display. The posters will be accessible throughout the conference.
Instructions for short oral presentation
Duration: 5′. The oral presentation will be given within the oral session (for schedule see the programme of sessions).
Format: Presentation is limited to 4 slides – Title, Objectives, Methods, Results. It is recommended to use the CESB19 presentation template; in any case, use 16:9 aspect ratio. MS PowerPoint (PPT or PPTX) and PDF formats are supported. If you do not intend to use MS PowerPoint or PDF presentation format, please inform us before the conference at presentations(at)cesb.cz. If you have some special needs regarding your presentation, such as video etc., please contact us at presentations(at)cesb.cz as well.
Full paper link: please state the ID of your contribution as a part of the webpage address prepared in the template slides.
Check it at www.cesb.cz/19/YourPaperID.
When the conference starts, the link will lead to your full paper published at IOP conference series website. This allows attendants to access easily your full paper immediately when attracted by your presentation. Please be careful which ID belongs to the presented contribution, especially in case of paper with major revisions.
QR-code: for each full paper presented at the conference a QR-code with the full paper address has been generated. The QR-code for your full paper can be retrieved at www.cesb.cz/qr-codes/ (please be careful which ID belongs to the presented contribution, especially in case of paper with major revisions). Please place the QR-code on the last slide to the prepared place for easier reaching your full paper for those who have QR scanner application in their mobile devices.
Infrastructure: A PC with Microsoft Office, a pointer and an overhead projector will be available.
Presentation delivery: You have two options how to deliver us your presentation:
- Firstly you can upload your presentation using the online form, you will need the ID of your contribution (you can find it in the conference administration system, please be careful which ID belongs to the presented contribution, especially in case of paper with major revisions). The upload form will be available from 24 June. This option is preferred.
- Second option is to hand in a USB stick with your presentation at the reception desk on your arrival or at least four hours before your talk. The technical staff will make sure that all is ready for your presentation at the right time and in the right place. Please have prepared your paper’s ID also for this case to help us speed-up the process.
Unforeseen absence: If for any reason you cannot attend the conference, please inform us as soon as you know by email at info(at)cesb.cz. If possible, send a person to deliver a poster and replace you during the oral presentation if you haven’t refused it. Empty poster display panels are not nice to see and take up valuable space.

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